MCb Helps with Stay-At-Home Orders using Remote Device Access and Manual Testing
Mobile Integration Workgroup, MIW with its MCellblock (MCb), Mobile Device Testing platform is focused on helping service providers continue productive work from home. Testing new devices and services to be provisioned on wireless networks is an unrelenting job for mobile providers as they move from research and design to production with the latest enhancements and technology.
In early March we all complied with stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of Covid-19 interrupting our routine patterns and work progress. MCb Solutions and MIW trained service provider personnel to use the MCb and continue their normal workflow from home testing applications, devices and the network as efficiently as being in the office using real devices in the lab remotely.
Using a browser, service providers are able to test with “Real Devices” as if they are “using their fingers”. The MCb allows the use of both Apple and Android which incorporates the latest advances in the devices and 5G networks. We have coined the phrase #KeepitReal”.
MCb will allow remote access up to 32 devices per unit, allowing multiple testers to conduct a full test execution of the device and application and verify the network performance.
MCb proivdes video recording of each manual remote session. The MCb server can manage multiple sets of devices in multiple regions, either on-premise or in the cloud for large end-to-end testing.
MCellblock is a Product Solution of Mobile Integration Workgroup based in Redmond Washington who also supplies Managed Services solving technology related business challenges with placement of top talent and process-driven solutions.